hg8868皇冠下载 offers several options for commercial and industrial customers to find ways to save energy, 减少高峰需求, 量化节约.
- 下载范围界定审核应用程序 texasequitydirect.com/energyaudits.
- Fill out the scoping audit application and submit it to customprojects@texasequitydirect.com
- hg8868皇冠下载 will determine which scoping auditor will best meet customer needs and will request a proposal based on the nature of the work.
- A program engineer reviews the application and if approved, an assessment number is assigned and written approval is sent to the participant and selected auditor, which initiates the scoping auditor to begin coordination with the participant.
- Historical project and energy use information will be provided to the scoping auditor to aid the analysis.
- A scoping auditor coordinates and completes work with the participant and provides a report to customprojects@texasequitydirect.com 经批准后90天内审查.
- After report approval, the report is provided to the customer.
- If there is interest in moving forward with any of the measures identified in the audit, contact your energy advisor program engineer to submit a pre-approval application. 访问 texasequitydirect.com/business 了解更多信息.
Rate 9P, 19P and special contracts customers are eligible to 应用. Rate 9S customers may also 应用 and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for approval. Participants can check their bill or ask their energy advisor to determine their rate schedule.
- The customer solicits a proposal from their chosen consultant for the scope of work being considered for the detailed assessment.
- 下载审计应用程序 texasequitydirect.com/energyaudits.
- 填写审核申请并提交给 customprojects@texasequitydirect.com, along with a copy of the chosen consultant’s proposal.
- A program engineer reviews the application and if approved, assigns an audit number.
- Written approval is sent to the customer and selected consultant, which initiates the consultant to begin coordination with the customer to complete the work.
- 顾问与客户进行协调, completes the work and provides a copy of the final report to the customer.
- The customer submits a copy of the final report and the audit invoice to customprojects@texasequitydirect.com.
- After final report review and approval, reimbursement is provided to the customer.
- If there is interest in moving forward with any of the measures identified in the audit, contact your energy advisor program engineer to submit a pre-approval application. 访问 texasequitydirect.com/business 了解更多信息.
Rate 9P, 19P and special contracts customers are eligible to 应用. Rate 9S customers may also 应用 and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for approval. Participants can check their bill or ask their energy advisor to determine their rate schedule.
Oregon rate 7, 9s primary and large primary may be eligible to 应用. Rate 9S customers will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for approval. Participants can check their bill or ask their energy advisor to determine their rate schedule.
Program continuation, eligibility requirements and 条款和条件 应用. 更多详情请参阅 程序手册.
For assistance with a PDF on this page or to request a PDF in an alternate format, 请与客户服务部联系 208-388-2323 or 1-800-488-6151